For those who enjoy keeping an art journal, there are some great online options right now. First is the free series by Strathmore Paper, Visual Journal Online Workshop Series , which started in January, is self-paced, and will be open until August 1, 2011. Three different instructors give video lessons with printable hand-outs.
In a few days, Roz Stendahl begins her 3rd Annual Fake Journal month. She already has her dedicated blog up and is advising about all aspects of keeping a Fake Journal during the month of April. I’ve participated for two years and even won the grand prize in the give-away last year—a handmade journal from Roz! It’s 90 lb. hot press Winsor & Newton watercolor paper with an odd size of 3 9/16” x 7 7/8”.

This journal I found in a gift shop in Ireland last fall. I love the size, the fabric cover, and the color—it’s iridescent green on blue. http://www.hubertbookbinding.com/ 3.50” x 5.25”

Although those two journals are still blank, I am working in one below, which a dear friend gave me many years ago, “Awaken…to the beauty of your journey.” 7.50” x 7.50”.

Still fascinating with the hand motif, I’m playing with wonderful India henna stencils and Mandala illustrations. It’s mostly blank pages, a few with colorful Mandalas by Holli Zollinger and a scattering of quotes. Pitt pens on both pages shown.

How do you approach art journaling? Although I’ve read a lot of books and blogs about the subject, I cannot say I fully merge my words and art comfortably. I’ve kept written journals since my Mom got me my first diary as a child in Hawaii and I have done a lot of experimental paintings in spiral watercolor books. But in my mind words and art seem separate beasts. I am slowly trying to integrate the two. Driving home from work today, (don't we get good ideas doing such things?), I thought about using poetry I wrote many years ago and merging photos of myself at the time.
Do tell me your approach and your successes with art journaling!